
Thursday, March 22, 2012

That First Post

Hello! Welcome to the magical journey that is my life, or something. My name is Bobina. Nice to meet you.

This isn't my first time blogging- I've got my original blogspot, a tumblr, and a twitter. But what am I doing starting another blog when I've got important business like catching up on schoolwork and dipping almonds into cocoa almond spread. (Repetitive? Yes. Delicious? Obviously.) Well, the thing about the other internet platforms is that they've just turned into places where I just record a lot of feelings. Feelings are very important, don't get me wrong. But I'm not a teenager anymore and I want to start committing seriously to a blog. With content that other people may want to read.

So here you go! I'm going to bust out my big-girl pants and put down some goals.

Official Goals for Official Blog Business:

  • Eat vegan. I've been a vegetarian for over 4 years and have just recently confirmed that I am, in fact, lactose-intolerant. My efforts to eat more vegan began just over a year ago, but now I will try to be almost exclusively vegan. So far, I haven't been able to resist the siren song of cheese, pizza, grilled cheese, pasta, cheese, ice cream, anything with cheese. Ahem.
  • Get a job/internship. I worked all through high school- summers, weekends, I worked all the time. Since coming to college, I've only been able to get a small, one-week job within the school. Either the economy is tanking or nobody bothers to call back the girl with the strange name, I don't know. All I know is that I miss having an income, I miss being active, I miss chipping away at my huge student loans. I just... really need a job.
  • Move into an apartment. I definitely know that I will be living in an apartment in New Jersey come the fall (subletting from a friend doing study abroad, living with two other friends!). However, I would really like to move into an apartment this summer. I love my home and my family and, you know, not paying for rent or groceries. But I feel like it's my time to leave, and when you know you know, you know? Of course, this all depends on a job (see above).
  • Get fit. To be frank, I've gained weight (not much! but I still care) and just feel blah and restless when I go to sleep at night. I need to find yoga or zumba classes, start running in Central Park, SOMETHING.
  • Stick with a blog (based on original content, this ain't tumblr) for more than a few months. I haven't been so hot at doing this in the past, but this is a new era! You know, hopefully.
Yep, that's all I've got to say for now. Until next time, best wishes!

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