It's finally autumn! Almost-- the weather still insists on constantly switching from oppressively humid and deliciously crisp. Meanwhile, I insist on pumpkin-infused goodies and trying to get away with wearing long pants/ beginning the process of nobody-has-to-see-my-legs-so-woops-what-is-shaving.
A whole season has passed since I last blogged here, and a lot of stuff has happened! I had a rough end of the semester at university, but I grounded myself at home with the judicious application of sun, work, and fun. How have my goals been doing, you ask?
Did I:
- Eat vegan? Well... not really. I'm trying, just not very hard when there is so much cheese to consume. I've been better at limiting the amount of dairy a day to just one product and only buying cage-free eggs. This goal still needs improvement.
- Get a job? Yes, actually! I got my first waitress job at a brand new restaurant in my home town. It wasn't glamorous work of course, but I had a lot of fun with my co-workers. And because I'm from such a small community, I always saw people I knew or hadn't talked to in a few years. I'm just a townie. I also ended up being a bit of an assistant to the manager and owner, since I knew how to work with computers and make seating charts and etc. Anyways, I had to leave because obviously I go to college in a completely different state. Right now, I have a few job interviews lined up so hopefully all goes well and I can get another job!
- Move into an apartment? Not this summer, it just ended up making more sense to live at home. However, I feel like I became a lot closer to my family and (surprise!) I missed them more than ever when I moved into this Jersey apartment. Living here is great, though! My two roommates are just as big of nerds as I am. And I get a lot of reading done on the commute to classes.
- Get fit? Right when I moved back home, I exclusively ate fruits and veggies, and only ate when I was actually hungry. And through this method, within one month, I had reached half of my weight loss goal! Then I started waitressing, and I continued to lose inches from my waistline while building up some wicked muscle, so the number on the scale didn't matter anymore. I've somewhat maintained my fitness level since starting the semester, but I think my progress my summer did wonders for my body and my mind! Eating healthy and staying active is key.
- Stuck with a blog? I'm tryin'! And I think I'll be writing for my university's blog as a food journalist? Updates soon.
So! I think it's time to add more goals to my list.
What should I try to do this fall?